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Home / News / 4 Injuries That Should Not Be Treated With a Massage Gun

4 Injuries That Should Not Be Treated With a Massage Gun

woman with a muscle sprain on her neck

Percussive therapy massage guns are effective in treating muscle soreness and stiffness and managing chronic pain. This works by utilizing high speeds and vibrations as a workout recovery mechanism and a powerful stimulus to override pain signals to your brain. Because of their promising benefits, many patients are interested to try them out.

If you are planning to use this equipment, consider trying our quality massage gun in Canada. But before you do that, consult your doctor as there are some cases in which you should not get a massage.

Here are some injuries or conditions that should not be treated with a massage gun or without doctor supervision:

1. Inflammation-related injuries

Steer clear of massage guns or at least use them cautiously for inflammation-related injuries, such as tendinitis, bursitis, fasciitis, and periostitis. In addition to that, avoid using a massage gun near and on broken or healing bones as it can cause severe pain. Worse, it can damage your newly mended bone. To help you learn more about the proper way and the right instances when you can use our massage gun in Canada, don’t hesitate to contact us.

2. Muscle strains

Having pulled muscles involves your muscles getting strained due to excessive stretching, overuse, improper use or having a bad form, or sudden motions that tear your muscle. Using a massage gun to attempt to treat your strained muscles can cause further damage due to the powerful hammering motion of percussion therapy.

The best way to treat your pulled muscle is through the PRICE method (protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation) and medical intervention, if necessary. If your injury isn’t severe, you can promote healing with some gentle pressure applied around your injury, not directly on it. If you are interested in incorporating vibration therapy using a massage gun into your overall treatment plan to regain your strength and flexibility, make sure to ask your doctor first and use it only when your injury is fully healed.

3. Chronic conditions

Some chronic conditions and illnesses require caution and attention before using a massage gun to address them. Before trying percussion therapy, talk to your doctor if you have high blood pressure, osteoporosis, severe varicose veins, muscular dystrophy or other muscle disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, or gout, autoimmune conditions, including lupus, scleroderma, and multiple sclerosis, and other conditions that impact your blood vessels, such as atherosclerosis, peripheral artery disease, deep vein thrombosis, or arteriosclerosis.

Reaping the health benefits of a massage gun is still possible even if you have one of the chronic conditions or injuries mentioned above. However, it is best to discuss with your doctor first to determine if it is the right treatment for you.


Get started in your journey to muscle recovery with the power of a massage gun. But before using this high-powered, self-administered machine, keep the conditions listed above in mind and talk to your doctor first to confirm if using percussion therapy is effective in relieving your pain and healing your muscles.

Alleviate your pain, treat your muscles, and boost your athletic performance by trying our industry-leading percussive therapy massage guns in Canada. We serve customers in the USA. Place your order now!