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Fascial Release Therapy

What Is Fascial Release Therapy and How It Can Help You

Fascia is the physical rope that connects us all. It is a thin, tough, elastomeric connective tissue that weaves its way between muscle fiber layers, between muscles, around organs, and throughout the body.

After or during a physical activity, people's muscles are stressed, contracted, or inhibited. It is thought that tight knots or adhesions can form in the fascia, which can cause pain and a limited range of motion. 

During the early years of medical studies, fascia was only considered a small membrane that covered the inside of the body. However, this type of tissue has become more popular recently because it was found to be an organ of its own, with more sensory nerve endings than muscle or other tissue types. Understanding how it interacts with the rest of your body will help you realize the importance of fascial release therapy.

What Causes Fascial Pain?

It is common to develop fascia adhesions or tightness when acute or chronic injury. It is also common when an individual's body is under stress.

Fascia adhesions are usually found in muscle groups used often and don't get a lot of rest. They tend to form muscles that have been injured and haven't been given enough time to heal. The resulting tightness of the fascia can lead to pain, dysfunction, and a limited range of motion.

1. A Sedentary Way of Life

Regular movement is essential to maintain muscles, connective tissue, and joints. If you don't move, you will atrophy, and your body will experience muscle imbalances and tightened fascia.

2. Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are common and are a leading cause of chronic pain and limited range of motion. If you perform an activity that involves repetitive use of a particular muscle group, you will likely develop increased tightness in that muscle group.

Other injuries can also result in a lack of blood flow to muscles. The forces can develop adhesions when restricted blood flow and become shorter, tighter, and dysfunctional.

3. Metabolic Conditions

Metabolic conditions such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, and obesity can cause oxidative stress. This results in free radicals that damage and weaken muscles, connective tissue, and joints.

What Exactly Is Myofascial Release Therapy?

Myofascial release (MFR) is a technique used by a myofascial therapist. It involves applying massage to the fascia to release adhesions and free up muscles. The goal of MFR is to restore normal muscle tone and function, relieve pain, and improve range of motion.

In addition, myofascial therapists use MFR to evaluate and treat shortened, tight muscles and muscles overused or not used at all. They may use MFR to treat patients who suffer from chronic pain and limited range of motion or improve the body's ability to heal itself.

Furthermore, myofascial release therapy is a hands-on treatment that attempts to break down adhesions that have formed within the fascial tissue. This aims to eliminate pain, restore normal blood flow, reduce muscle spasms, and improve posture.


All fascia adhesions are not easy to treat and resolve. However, the potential benefits of resolving fascia adhesions include increased range of motion, reduction of pain, and decreased muscle spasms.

Resolving fascia adhesions may take time, but they are well worth it to have a pain-free and stress-free body. You can also look for the best massage gun in Canada. Here at Gravity, we offer the best percussive therapy massage guns. Get yours now!