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What Is Fascial Release Therapy and How It Can Help You

Fascial Release Therapy

Fascia is the physical rope that connects us all. It is a thin, tough, elastomeric connective tissue that weaves its way between muscle fiber layers, between muscles, around organs, and throughout the body.

After or during a physical activity, people's muscles are stressed, contracted, or inhibited. It is thought that tight knots or adhesions can form in the fascia, which can cause pain and a limited range of motion.Ā 

During the early years of medical studies, fascia was only considered a small membrane that covered the inside of the body. However, this type of tissue has become more popular recently because it was found to be an organ of its own, with more sensory nerve endings than muscle or other tissue types. Understanding how it interacts with the rest of your body will help you realize the importance of fascial release therapy.

What Causes Fascial Pain?

It is common to develop fascia adhesions or tightness when acute or chronic injury. It is also common when an individual's body is under stress.

Fascia adhesions are usually found in muscle groups used often and don't get a lot of rest. They tend to form muscles that have been injured and haven't been given enough time to heal. The resulting tightness of the fascia can lead to pain, dysfunction, and a limited range of motion.

1. A Sedentary Way of Life

Regular movement is essential to maintain muscles, connective tissue, and joints. If you don't move, you will atrophy, and your body will experience muscle imbalances and tightened fascia.

2. Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are common and are a leading cause of chronic pain and limited range of motion. If you perform an activity that involves repetitive use of a particular muscle group, you will likely develop increased tightness in that muscle group.

Other injuries can also result in a lack of blood flow to muscles. The forces can develop adhesions when restricted blood flow and become shorter, tighter, and dysfunctional.

3. Metabolic Conditions

Metabolic conditions such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, and obesity can cause oxidative stress. This results in free radicals that damage and weaken muscles, connective tissue, and joints.

What Exactly Is Myofascial Release Therapy?

Myofascial release (MFR) is a technique used by a myofascial therapist. It involves applying massage to the fascia to release adhesions and free up muscles. The goal of MFR is to restore normal muscle tone and function, relieve pain, and improve range of motion.

In addition, myofascial therapists use MFR to evaluate and treat shortened, tight muscles and muscles overused or not used at all. They may use MFR to treat patients who suffer from chronic pain and limited range of motion or improve the body's ability to heal itself.

Furthermore, myofascial release therapy is a hands-on treatment that attempts to break down adhesions that have formed within the fascial tissue. This aims to eliminate pain, restore normal blood flow, reduce muscle spasms, and improve posture.


All fascia adhesions are not easy to treat and resolve. However, the potential benefits of resolving fascia adhesions include increased range of motion, reduction of pain, and decreased muscle spasms.

Resolving fascia adhesions may take time, but they are well worth it to have a pain-free and stress-free body. You can also look for the best massage gun in Canada. Here at Gravity, we offer the best percussive therapy massage guns. Get yours now!

Should I Get a Foam Roller or a Massage Gun? A Guide

foam roller

It is essential to learn effective ways to ease out muscles before and after working out. Both foam rolling and massage guns can help promote blood flow to the muscle tissue, ease out knots, and help your body recover from exercise. Which tool is the most effective way to alleviate muscle soreness and aid recovery?

What are Foam Rollers and Massage Guns?

Foam rollers are cylindrical tubes made of foam, often covered in a textured material. They typically range from 6 to 36 inches in diameter, and the length is not limited. They're commonly used by athletes, fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders, and even medical professionals to perform a self-myofascial release, or SMR, to aid recovery and prevent tightness. Self-massage devices, more commonly known as "massage guns," typically come in the form of ergonomic handles that can be used to deliver high-pressure vibrations to your muscles. Massage therapists and medical professionals usually use them to relieve tightness in the muscle tissue.

How Do They Work?

Foam rolling and massage use the same basic premise of applying pressure between the foam roller or massage gun and your body, though they work differently.

With a foam roller, you simply position yourself on the foam roller and move the muscle you're working on to and fro across the tube. Some rollers include raised foam knobs that produce trigger points in the muscles and fascia to help remove knots and relieve stress. Foam rolling may be quite painful, especially in certain body parts, such as the top of the thigh, where the IT band travels down the leg. (It is typically recommended to avoid this region since it might create further inflammation and discomfort.) Any discomfort you experience will subside as the muscles and fascia relax. Self-myofascial release (SMR) is encouraged by the rolling movement. Rolling for at least 90 seconds for each muscle group is required for effective rolling, and the technique can be difficult to learn.

Massage guns may also provide SMR. However, the method is far more complex when percussion treatment is utilized to loosen the fascia and muscle tissue. Percussion treatment is a thumping action that works thousands of times per minute into the tissues. The repetitive vibration increases blood flow and aids in muscular relaxation. It also warms up the muscle and enhances its flexibility, resulting in better exercise, faster recovery, and a lower risk of injury. The best massage guns provide reasonably painless treatment sessions that last less than 15 minutes.

When Should They Be Used?

A massage gun may be the ideal solution if you have specific areas of stress that demand deeper pressure. A foam roller is hard to beat for general self-massage and myofascial relief.

The Final Verdict

Foam rollers and massage guns are better suited to different people based on their unique advantages and disadvantages. For example, if you're on a tight budget, are sensitive to strong massages, or just exercise occasionally, you can opt for a foam roller.

If you work out many times per week, love or require deep massages regularly, and wish to travel with your recovery equipment, you can consider a percussive massage device.

Although fitness trends come and go, it is evident that foam rolling and percussive treatment are here to stay. The advantages are undeniable, and both muscle healing procedures are simple to apply.

If you are looking for the best massage guns in Canada, look no further than our amazing selections here at Gravity. We manufacture and offer the industry-leading percussive therapy massage gun in the market today. Check out our online store for more of our massage gun variants and their prices.

Relaxing Massage Guns: Are They Safe to Be Used by Kids?

Relaxing Massage Guns

The advent of technology enabled the invention of new methods to relieve stress and body tension. While most of them are efficient in their own way, none can ever come close to the effectiveness of massage guns. Besides providing that well-needed focus on the affected area, it also tends to relieve the muscles in ways that no normal massaging technique can succeed with.

That being said, there is a certain discussion on whether or not it is safe for children to use.

Yes, everyone needs a massage regardless of their age so as to treat any sort of muscle strain they may be experiencing. But the main difference here is that the efficiency of the technique is now done by a tool rather than bare hands, meaning that there may be some differences in the way the massage is carried out.

Tool or Skill?

There is a general discussion about the difference in skill level regardless of the person giving the massage. While there are some who reach the pinnacle of skill level in this field, there are others who are still learning the ropes and how to do a proper massage. Using massaging guns may be a shortcut to attaining this skill level, but how efficient are they in doing the job?

This is the main concern of parents when they see their children use the massaging guns. While it is true that the technique is less skill-based and more tool-based, it does not mean that there is less effort exerted into giving the massage. It remains in the hands of the person using it.

Adult Supervision Is Needed

There are two important emphases on this aspect. For one, a massage gun has adjustable options, meaning that the vibration level can be mitigated according to the body mass and muscles of the one using it. In this case, a child may be able to withstand the lower settings. With that in mind, we could move on to the second pointer: adult supervision.

Just because there are lower settings applicable for younger users doesn't mean that it is enough to lower any possibility of injuries. As with all types of automated tools, caution and proper use should always be a priority.

In short, even with a device that is supposedly safe, adult supervision is always required.

When Will Massage Guns Be Safe for Kids?

As mentioned earlier, the use of massage guns is efficient but should be used by children only under adult supervision. There are quite a few companies that offer this service, but there are also those that do not allow children as young as seven years old to use them.

This does not mean that massage guns are bad for kids. They just want to ensure that not only is the child going to be safe, but also the area being worked on. There is a difference in muscle strength and function, making it a significant factor in determining its compatibility with its user.


Massage guns are definitely a great alternative to traditional massage techniques. However, there are critical factors that must be considered to ensure the user's safety. With proper adult supervision, the massage gun can provide the same effect of alleviating muscle tension and stress in kids as well.

Just always remember that the person using the massage gun should be properly educated on how to do it. It is mainly to reduce the risk of injuries and keep everyone safe.

It is also not a quick fix to any health issue, so you will still need to consult your doctor before deciding to use it.

If you are looking for the best massage guns in Canada, look no further than our amazing selections here at Gravity. We manufacture and offer the industry-leading percussive therapy massage gun in the market today. Check out our online store for more of our massage gun variants and their prices.